If I Was Stuck Inside A Room For 24 Hours What 5 Things Will I Take With Me?

By: Aaroosh Khan

(Grade V)

If I was stuck in a room for 24 hours what 5 things will I take with me? This is a hard question but what will I take with me? If I was stuck inside first of all I would probably take a sleeping bag for the night because I can take a pillow and a blanket as a sleeping bag is like a 3 in 1 I would take that, now for the second item I would probably take a puppy because they’re just so cute  and I could play with a dog for like 48 hours! The next thing I would take would be, my canvas and paints because I love art and I could do a long project, then I’d probably take some snacks to survive and water as well, Then I would take another puppy with me and I could stay there for weeks! What would you take with you? And how would you spend your day inside a room?
