The Israel And Palestine Conflict

 The Israel And Palestine Conflict

By Aaroosh Khan
(Grade- V)

The Israel and Palestine conflict, a brutal and harmful conflict that first occurred in 1948 when Israel became independent. It continued from 1947-1948. In Ramadan 2021 missiles were fired on innocent Muslims as they were praying in a mosque in Palestine. Tensions have increased as this conflict seems endless, the first missile was sent from Israel as they admit it we all need to stand up for Palestine not only Muslims, but Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and everyone who stands for justice the right way. Israel says that they attack because the land is theirs but why do it this dangerous and cruel way? Attacking and doing it forcefully might seem easy but what about all the innocent families? All those innocent kids? Those innocent prayers to help them survive and make it all better? Its wrong, in my opinion I think that it may be easy to attack but we need to do it the right way and that right way can be to persuade, let’s all stand up for those innocent lives to protect these people. If we don’t take action now we may never get the chance. People of Palestine smile and get arrested because they make Muslims proud and protect the country. It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak #ProtectPalestine. 


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