Describing Myself In 3 Words By Aaroosh Khan (Grade V) If I had to describe myself in 5 words it will be a challenge because we have to find words that match our personality and a person is more than just 5 words, not only me but you as well and everyone in this world! Let’s start describing myself! The first word will be, Fun. Yeah, fun because I don’t like being bored and I try to have fun whenever I’m bored. The next word is probably, interesting because I like doing a lot of interesting stuff like drawing, coloring, painting, crafting, blogging, crocheting, writing, vlogging, and a lot of other stuff as well! Now the third word will be… creative because I like to put my own spark in stuff like writing, sketching, and other things. The third and final word is confident, I chose this word because I’m kind of fond to take part in assemblies and school plays, I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging because each one of us is best in our own way. we all are awes...
Showing posts from May, 2021
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If I Was Stuck Inside A Room For 24 Hours What 5 Things Will I Take With Me? By: Aaroosh Khan (Grade V) If I was stuck in a room for 24 hours what 5 things will I take with me? This is a hard question but what will I take with me? If I was stuck inside first of all I would probably take a sleeping bag for the night because I can take a pillow and a blanket as a sleeping bag is like a 3 in 1 I would take that, now for the second item I would probably take a puppy because they’re just so cute and I could play with a dog for like 48 hours! The next thing I would take would be, my canvas and paints because I love art and I could do a long project, then I’d probably take some snacks to survive and water as well, Then I would take another puppy with me and I could stay there for weeks! What would you take with you? And how would you spend your day inside a room?
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Interview with A Domestic Worker By Aaroosh Khan (Grade-V) Name: Shazia Age:17 I went on to have an interview with a domestic worker, her replies were blissful just like her. The first question was “Where are you from?” She replied, “ Ravi Village , Pakistan ”. Then the next question was “How did your home look like?” her reply was, “My house is made up of clay/mud but it is beautiful, it has cows, goats, chicks and hens with her two dogs Tommy and Chugli, she also recalled that her dog Chugli had died”. Then I asked “How many years have you been working?” her reply was “6.5 years and in one house.” I then asked “How many siblings do you have?” she replied “5 siblings”. Then I asked “Do you prefer living in the village or in the city?” she said, “Of course the village!”. Then I finally ended the session with the question “What do you want to achieve when you grow up?” she replied, “I want to be a good person and help people and also try to get a l...
Global Warming
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Gl obal Warming By: Aaroosh Khan (Grade-V) G lobal Warmin g, a topic that is rather discussed very less and is a topic that we need to give attention to, What is Global warming? Earth has a thick layer of atmosphere more like a blanket that protects it from the un-needed sun rays the atmosphere is made from different greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and many more gases. since the industrial revolution, the amount of these gases has increased as we invented trains, fancy cars, airplanes, jets, and many more. When making petrol we burn fossil fuels which makes carbon dioxide and harms the atmosphere. when this happens, the atmosphere traps way too many sun rays, making the earth even hotter than before. Nowadays there is a new harmful virus known as COVID-19, due to this virus we all are in lockdown in our homes to avoid getting infected and to stop it from spreading. As we are in our homes we don't go outside for non-important things like that the use o...
The Israel And Palestine Conflict
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The Israel And Palestine Conflict By Aaroosh Khan (Grade- V) The Israel and Palestine conflict, a brutal and harmful conflict that first occurred in 1948 when Israel became independent. It continued from 1947-1948. In Ramadan 2021 missiles were fired on innocent Muslims as they were praying in a mosque in Palestine. Tensions have increased as this conflict seems endless, the first missile was sent from Israel as they admit it we all need to stand up for Palestine not only Muslims, but Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and everyone who stands for justice the right way. Israel says that they attack because the land is theirs but why do it this dangerous and cruel way? Attacking and doing it forcefully might seem easy but what about all the innocent families? All those innocent kids? Those innocent prayers to help them survive and make it all better? Its wrong, in my opinion I think that it may be easy to attack but we need to do it the right way and that right way can be to persuad...